Posts in Quotes

“Our six year old son Mason M was diagnosed with Leukemia in late June 2021. He has to undergo 3 years of chemotherapy. As you can imagine our world was turned upside down. During our stay in the hospital, Mason received his IPad. Words can't express how amazing it has been to him. Not only does it allow him to play video games and online schooling, but he used it a lot to facetime his two sisters at home. Truly amazing!”

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QuotesAndy BugsbyMason
Joe Bustani

Chasin A Dream is the true gem of South Florida. In a world of cruelty and chaos, the Chasin A Dream Foundation is a safe, peaceful, compassionate light of hope. When you sit in a doctor's office watching your child receive life-altering medical news, you feel lost, overwhelmed, and hopeless. Lori swooped in and supported us emotionally, physically, and financially. My child didn't miss the testing and surgeries, because Chasin A Dream was there to help us out. They brought the light back to our daughter's eyes. Thank you, Lori and Chasin A Dream for giving us the gift of friendship, understanding, and hope.

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Casie Menken

“Hello, my son had a pull-through surgery for the hirschprungs disease on April 28th. He had roughly 4 inches of his intestines removed. He started to drink a few days later and had two bites of jello, and started vomiting everything. We moved to PICU and have had complications ever since. There is a leak, and it's caused an infection. He has two drains going into his peritoneal cavity. They did that on Mother's day and thought it would allow the leak to heal. About five days ago, one of the drains was leaking from the site. So the day before yesterday, they went in and changed the tube and also pulled out 200ccs and said it was clogged and not allowing it to drain properly. He is in constant pain, on and off fevers, and still eats and drinks very little. We are waiting to speak with our surgeon (Dr.Fischer) today and see what the plan is. We don't seem to get any answers out of her and have expressed our concerns to the PICU doctors, who also say they are having a hard time getting answers as well. The day before yesterday, a different surgeon who is not there often came in and mentioned an ostomy bag. So now we are considering that in the hope it will let his body heal, and he can come home soon, and in a few months, we pray it will be reversed. My boyfriend has been out of work for over a month, and unfortunately, we don't have much family to help us. I also want to thank you again for giving my son the bag of cool things and a tablet. The tablet has allowed him to take his mind off things and play some games. Thank you. ❤” - Casie Menken

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Cher Gemini Louis

“Thank you everyone for your continued prayers. And thank you so much Lori Griffith and Chasin A Dream for being Gabriel's 'Guardian Angel'. It is always comforting to know that you are there when we really need you. You took away so much of the stress that we thought we had to go through. We were ready for the fight but you let us know that we didn't have to fight alone. You were always jumping in when we thought we had to tap out. Many of our meals, clothes and paid bills were because of you. We couldn't have done it without you. From the deepest parts of our souls, we thank you.” -Cher Gemini Louis

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The Smith Family

“Chasin A Dream Foundation has been such a blessing to me and my family through this difficult time in our child’s life. We are forever grateful for the love the support we’ve received from this community.” - The Smith Family

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