When a family is given the news that their child has a life-threatening illness, and they need to go to the hospital immediately, packing a few comfort items is often not a priority.
We are providing an iPad (*2-17 years old), blanket, essential oils and diffuser, toiletries, age-appropriate toys, a journal to document upcoming appointments for the parent, masks etc. in our Hospital Backpack.
This program is for children living in Palm Beach County, Martin County, and St. Lucie County who are battling cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart disease, traumatic brain injury and other life-threatening illnesses or disabilities.
Just imagine being a child and having to remain still for hours on end while undergoing treatments. The iPad provides much-needed distraction and comfort to all age groups, whether toddlers or teens.
* As per American Academy of Pediatrics’ screen time guidelines
Testimony from Amber, a warrior’s mom:
“Finding out your child has a life threatening illness is never something you can prepare yourself for. One minute life is completely normal and you're grateful you have a healthy child and the next minute you are forced to swallow a whole different version of reality. When we found out our 2 year old son had an aggressive form of brain cancer last year, everything from his diagnosis to starting his treatment at St. Jude happened like a whirlwind before our eyes. During this time, Chasin A Dream reached out and wanted to help our family in every way possible, including sending him a backpack from their hospital backpack program. This backpack contained toys, activities, and even his own IPAD to use during treatment. I cannot even express how much the contents of his backpack helped him with his anxiety around everything that was happening to him. I truly don't even know what we would have done without his IPAD. With every port access, every doctor's examination, and every chemo treatment he would ask to use his IPAD to calm his nerves and his body and allow us to be able to speak with his oncologists to discuss his care. Every round of chemo for our son was 2.5 days where he needed to remain in bed or in a space where he wasn't running and de-accessing his port and the activities and IPAD from his hospital backpack made this possible! We are so grateful that this non-profit developed such a unique and amazing program to help children such as our son to go through and conquer their very difficult treatments by making them feel special and loved during the whole.”
Testimony from a warrior’s mom:
“May 25th had to be the hardest day of our lives. My Daughter Brooklyn was sick and had to be intubated and placed on a ventilator. For any parent that is the most gut wrenching thing to experience. As we watched our 13 year-old princess fight her way back; we were blessed to have the love and support of an amazing program during this difficult time. Chasin A Dream foundation was able to assist Brooklyn through their Hospital Backpack Program.
Brooklyn received an iPad which allowed us to play music and movies while she was intubated. She was given a plush blanket which helped regulating her body temperature. There were games and books included too. We are so grateful. Chasin A Dream's Backpack Program is not only a needed blessing for families, when their love ones are in the hospital, but it is a key component in a child's rehabilitation.”
Thank you Chasin A Dream
Love Mom and Brooklyn
Your support is needed for us to fill each backpack. Below are the crucial items we need. Any donation is helpful.
Gift cards - gas, Publix, Walmart, Target, Amazon
Soft fluffy blankets/throws for the hospital - for every age, kids (Disney and Super Heroes) teens (boys and girls)
Neck Pillow (can be characters for little kids and solid colors for older kids)
Diffuser and essential oils (lavender for stress or peppermint for nausea)
Teddy bear
Hand sanitizer
Play Doh, Crayons, Lego, and Games