Chasin A Dream Foundation

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Lyla F.

Lyla was diagnosed at the end of March in 2024 with neuroblastoma. She had a 13.5cm tumor with lymph node involvement.

During the first month of her diagnosis she was admitted in the PICU due to fluid on her lung as a result of the large tumor. She ended up on a ventilator for 24 hours and thankfully recovered after receiving her first round of chemotherapy. She received a total of two rounds of chemotherapy at Nemours Orlando, along with a stem cell harvest.

In June, Lyla traveled to MSK in NYC to have a 12hr tumor resection surgery. One week later, she received an intense round of ICE chemo.

Lyla started a combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy in July and is currently on her 3rd of 5 rounds. She will undergo radiation in November.